Saturday, June 13, 2009

Titttttt tttttt tttttt


This blog title might seem a little unusual.... just mute the blog music and listen for 19 seconds

This is the sound that wakes me up EVERY morning since I have been home.


And it does not last for only 19 seconds like this video clip. It lasts for hours. And hours. And hours.


From morning till well into the afternoon. When these guys break for lunch my sanity returns, but only briefly. My nice sanctuary called home is now my own private insane asylum cell. Inside, I try to watch TV. louder than the noise outside, which just drives me even battier... if that were possible at this point.

Blessings to those enjoying a little piece and quiet,


1 comment:

Lenny said...

I do not condone drinking and surely not before the dinner meal, but sounds like you need a tall glass of chilled wine!


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