Thursday, April 8, 2010

Feelin Froggy


Our Koi Pond has been invaded by this buggas..

Not sure if he is stuck or taking a leisurely swim?

They make this wrenching noise, which sounds like a screaming woman in severe distress.

Oliver is not so sure what to do with or to them....

Not sure what they are doing?  I hope it is not "R" rated.

After seeing this... I decided to do a little research.  This is for educational purposes only:

"The male frogs are the ones that sing. Different species sing different songs. Males are the ones that have the loud voice. Some females have voices too but they are softer. The males sing (grunts, croaks) to attract the females for mating. Some frogs even have a vocal sac which fills with air and swells up to make the voice even louder, like an amplifier.  Some males use their voice as a territorial call to warn other males of the same species that this is their territory."

"Before frogs mate, their bodies go through some changes. These changes are caused by chemicals called hormones. They produce sex cells and changes in appearance of the frogs like having brighter colors. The chemical changes are brought on by changes in the environment - warmer weather, more hours of sunlight or more rainfall. Once the male frog attracts a female to mate. it will sit on the female's back and hold onto it - amplex position. As the eggs are released into the water, the male will release sperm over them to fertilize them and then they will leave."

So the answer to my previous question....

is YES

the picture is rated "R".


I need to get rid of those mating frogs... or I will have an entire family reunion of screechers.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

crazy funny


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