Thursday, May 20, 2010

Expressions of Interest


I got to thinking about what I said earlier... I was on cloud nine.  Months ago... I was reading a follow bloggers blog and ran across old familiar saying and where they actually came from. 

So I began thinking... where in the world did the expression "cloud nine" originate.

I found several different possibilities, but these two seem plausible in my mind...

The 1896 edition of the International Cloud Atlas which defined ten types of cloud. The ninth cloud was the cumulo-nimbus rising to a height of 10 km, which is the highest a cloud can be.


The expression originated as one of the classifications of cloud which were defined by the US Weather Bureau in the 1950s, in which 'Cloud Nine' denotes the fluffy cumulonimbus type that are considered so attractive.

So just in case you were wondering where the expression on cloud nine came from... now you know!



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