Saturday, August 7, 2010

Don't drink the water


Remember the Koi fish pond ... and how Harry killed all the fish but two


the loud noisy frogs that took up residence in the same said pond.

Well... for months now I was hoping / praying the 2 remaining fish would unfortunately take a turn for the worse and take up residence in the big "ocean" up in the sky.

No can do... they have hung on...

And the frogs... well I let the cat out for a bit... hoping to scare off any strays that have taken up residence around the pond.  Oliver pulled through for me.... he had successfully rid the pond of those slimy, loud, inappropriate behavior frogs!

Today, I decided to do a little pruning....

and find this:

the ugliest Koi pond ever...

VERY healthy Koi

and to my astonishment...

I found this:

A baby...

and then these little buggers came swimming by...

2 more bigger babies swimming by....

ARGH... they are multiplying!

Just when I thought it could not get any worse....

upon further examination...

Can you see them?

baby tadpoles!

Hundreds of them!



We have a very fertile Koi pond....



1 comment:

Matt said...

Just let Harry back out there; he'll take care of the problem!


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