Saturday, October 25, 2008

Left to our own devises


Earlier this month, Harry and I returned home from a trip to find this……

Look how innocent she looks in the doorway

(It was her bed she destroyed)

(formly known as my favorite bracelet)

(even the electrical hardware was not safe)

(fragments of lint brush)

While furiously cleaning the “mess” I realized …Miss Peabody’s mishap is representative of what we as humans continually experience.

How many times in life do we feel lonely, abandoned, inadequate, unworthy… the list goes on and on. We try anything and everything to compensate for the lack of something in our lives. There is a void we try to fill ourselves. The mess we make of life.

How many times in life do we find ourselves in “a mess” and need help from above? How many times do we … ourselves…. try to “fix our problems”? Why….when we call ourselves Christians are we continually falling short when it comes to trusting God. The only one capable of “fixing” our mess.

Her bed. Her only source of comfort when she sleeps…..destroyed. Why? Why would Peabody destroy where she lays her head at night? Does she prefer to sleep on the cold hard tile versus a nice fluffy pillow? Why would she mouthful by mouthful destroy her bed?

Why do we as Christians want to destroy or stray from what most comforts us? Why… when the problems of life become unbearable do we prefer to sleep on the cold tile than bask in the warmth of our Savior?

"It is better to put trust in the Lord
than to put confidence in man."
Psalms 118:8 (NKJV)

Blessings to those who have created a "mess",


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kristie--I enjoy your Spiritual insights into everyday mishaps. To answer your question (I know you don't really want it answered) about Peabody wanting to sleep on the cold floor. I think she would prefer to sleep in a warm bed with you:) Rylie tore up my couch and ate a hole in the wall one day after I got her. Staples were everywhere! I decided to get her a crate. -Danelle


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