Thursday, June 24, 2010

Easier to start fresh


Is it easier to start anew....

or.... work with the existing?

sometimes, it's harder to find the right spot...

and it takes a lot of patching and repair work....

I love blank slates... when you can start new and not worry about the old.

The good thing about Navy life (and sometimes the worst thing about Navy life)... is you are always starting anew somewhere.

I am going to have a "new" / better outlook on Norfolk...

it's not Greece... oh, how I miss my neighbors there and the Chapel folks and the command and our great friends and the cheap fresh vegetables.

it's not Atlanta... oh, how I miss our friends and our church and shopping and shopping and almost everything about Atlanta.

But I am going to turn the other cheek so to speak about these crazy neighbors and their even crazier opinions.

I am going to smile and offer salutations.

I am going to comment nicely on there lawns.

I am going to smile at their kids.

I will pet their dogs ... even as the pooh on Harry's new grass (sprigs).

I will be nice...

it's the Southern thing to do!

And I will not call folks crazy 'ole bats.  That was really mean and I apologize... I was tired.



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