Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dead Sea


I remember this trip well...

the dead sea.

the heat.

the stifling heat.

to bitter taste of salt.

to stinging pain when a splash gets in your eye.

the ability to float.

to float uncontrollably even when you try not to.

to strength required to keep your legs beneath you when they just want to float to the surface.

the sticky feel of salt.

 the smell sulfur on your skin when you get out.

the feel of a mud bath when you wash off.

the cheap alternative to a body scrub.

the smoothness of how ex foliated skin feels.

the way for days afterwards you skin just glowed!

But most of all...

I remember the heat!




Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

The pictures look awesome!

Joanna said...

great pictures, i would love to visit the Dead Sea one day and float =)

tootie said...

How cool that you got to to go there! I'd love to see the Dead Sea sometime.


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