Friday, August 7, 2009



From a severely irritated individual....

not from something Harry has done, but literally irritated from mosquitoes. This black and white striped mosquito that resides here in Greece and frequents my skin. We have Tiger Mosquitoes here in Greece.

I am one of those people... who is the ONE in the group that gets bit by whatever, whenever, every time. If a group of 10 is sitting out on the deck.... I am the ONE who gets zapped by the stinging critters. Regardless of the geographical location... I am the ONE who involuntarily donates my blood.

In Florida... the mosquitoes eat me. The entire family is congregated around yet I AM the only target.

In Thailand while riding elephants through the jungle.... they encircle, swarm, and then come in for the kill on MY skin.... not Harry's, not even the elephant.

Here in Greece.... the circumstances have not changed, just a different country. Those flying assassins bypass Harry, Danelle, our neighbors... everyone. To feast on what little blood I have left. I guess it is the season for these aviating varmints cause they are out in full flight.

Daily I am stung, nightly I am feasted upon. I have about 40+ red irritated bites covering my body. It is getting so bad that at night... I keep myself awake clawing at my wounds. Not to mention I am on constant alert for the familiar bzzzing sound near my face that sends me into panic mode. I swat, bury my face in covers, and swing my arms flailing around the covers in hopes of warding off the blood thirsty critters. All the while Harry is sleeping peacefully by my side.

I saw this picture on the internet... and this is exactly what would happen if I were in the hospital. All the other patients would be safe....

Benadryl has become my new best friends... the pill at night to help me sleep and not claw off all my skin and the Itch relief Stick during the day to stop and repair the claw marks from the previous night.

I thought surely.... any packaging with the picture of a mosquito is exactly what I need.

Except it does not really work. I still itch. And itch.

So I decided... maybe I need something different. Something that is preventative and helps stop the massive invasion launched against me. Something to stop the infiltration of mosquitoes....

PLAN A: So I bought the plug-in mosquito repellent... well, let's just say I am allergic to the odor it time releases. And not just, "ah it makes my nose run", but all out itchy eyes, runny nose, eyes watering, face itches uncontrollably. I found myself clawing/rubbing my face/entire body until I showered.

Okay so on to

PLAN B: OFF! Spray mosquito repellent. Which by the way... kind of works. So I carry it everywhere I go. And reapply about 20 times a day. I take it in my handbag... to spray myself down. I hose myself repeatedly here at the house. Harry thinks I am crazy... while we are calmly watching T.V. I will grab my can of OFF!, stand up, shake the can, position it above my head while continuously spraying the entire length of my body. Harry thinks I am nuts.

The problem with PLAN B is that it only contain 15% DEET .... and I think I need more.

According to the EPA:

"DEET (chemical name, N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) is the active ingredient in many insect repellent products. It is used to repel biting pests such as mosquitoes and ticks, including ticks that may carry Lyme disease.

DEET is designed for direct application to human skin to repel insects, rather than kill them. After it was developed by the U.S. Army in 1946, DEET was registered for use by the general public in 1957."

Problem #2 with PLAN B is that it "repels insects, rather than kill them" ... and I want them dead!

And I think maybe.... just maybe the American products I am buying from the NEX are not going to KILL these Greek mosquitoes. I mean they are Tiger mosquitoes... so I might need something local.

So I tried PLAN C: Vape Spiral coils to light and once ignited will zap the mosquitoes.

Problem: again.. does not KILL them, just repels them. Problem #2: It's an Italian product.... so I am going back to the theory of using something local.

They say if you have allergies.... you should eat the local honey... something about local bees producing honey from the local vegetation.. and it helps with seasonal allergies to local plants. Makes sense! So I need a local remedy.

So I am in search of finding the perfect mosquito killer. If you have any suggestions.... I am game. So far I have found....

Insect Repelling Ladies Gardening Hat
This wide-brimmed gardening hat helps provide protection from insects because the cloth is treated with an insect repellent—which lasts for up to 70 washes. It also has a sun-protection rating of UPF 50+, making it an ideal accessory for any sunny day in the garden. $29.99;

Problem with hat.... what about bedtime? And I have never gardened in my life!

And another option is an attachment to my clothing... the OFF! Clip-On. Not sure if it comes in coordinating colors?

So as my search continues... I hope I have enough skin to last. Or become contaminated with too much DEET before I find something to rid off these pesky unwanted guests that have infiltrated every where I go. My friends are glad to have me around because then the mosquitoes do not bite them... the bite me. I am like one of those lighted mosquito zappers.... I should make tat annoying sound every time one bites me. I must have good blood? One of the Doc's said I should take iron pills. SO I can have stronger blood? More nutritious for the mosquitoes? Whatever? I will try anything at this point.

Blessings to those fighting the good fight,


1 comment:

Debi Reece said...

It's not just an insect-repelling hat. It's a man-repelling hat. Just ask Wayne! :) He thinks mine is the epitomy of the local cat lady. You know who I mean. The old woman down the block who never married but, instead, has dedicated her life to filling her entire smelly house with cats and all the neighborhood kids think is rather weird and thus keep their distance. :)


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