Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Cabbage Patch


On our walk today... Miss Peabody and I (along with her boyfriend Vince) came across a cabbage patch.

I am surprised the sheep have not enjoyed a few heads of this leafy roughage.

Beautiful green head of cabbage .. row after row.

I had no clue... winter is cabbage season in Greece.

The large heads of lettuce... for some strange reason reminded me of me Cabbage Patch Kid Doll I had when I was a kid.

I was not a prissy little girl.  I did not play with dolls.  (My sister did, but I had zero desire to play house with dolls.... Maybe why Kasey has 2 kids and I have zero!) 

I cannot remember ever owning a doll, except for the cabbage patch kid one.  I asked my mother what I played with as a kid.. and she said paper, crayons, and markers.  She said I played outside a lot. 

I guess I was a Tom boy of sorts?  But never one to walk around and cuddle a baby doll. 

So I have no clue why the only doll I can ever remember owning pops into my head while walking past the cabbage patch field.  I even remember her name

Nessie Galethia. (such crazy names for those dolls)

What's even crazier...  the doll is still in my room at my parent's house.  I must not have played with her much... she is in excellent condition for a 25 year-old toddler.
Do you remember the name of your Cabbage Patch Kid?  (or am I the only crazy one)



Stampinsilvia said...

We didn't have such extravagant dolls when I was growing up! LOL Portugal wasn't known for it's Cabbage Patch dolls...but Emelia has one and her name is Deborah...she smells like fresh baby powder too! Love the pics! and welcome back!

Laura said...

That cabbage looks gorgeous. I actually didn't have a cabbage patch doll. I think I was a little young for the movement. I did have an American girl doll which I loved and is still in my room at my parents house.


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