Wednesday, January 27, 2010

House makeover


Let me introduce you to our house:

The traditional Colonial or Early American styles floor plans are normally rectangular in shape with two floors with exteriors of wood lap siding and often have columns and shutters. The inside floor plans of traditional Colonial style floor plans generally consist of a center hallways with large square rooms on each side and two additional rooms in the back.

Colonial homes often have chimneys on both ends of the house and commonly have gambrel or a barn roofs. The upper floors generally have 4 large rooms which follow a similar layout as the main level floor plan. Federal or Georgian style floor plans are often characterized by brick exteriors without front porches and often feature gables and decorative dentils. While Southern Colonial floor plans, often include heavy columns in the front of the home often with an upper balcony supported by a large covered front porch.

I cannot contain myself....

I have already started remodeling the house (in my head) and started a little online shopping (much to Harry's dismay).

First things first...

Get rid of the forest of plants surrounding the entryway.  I am not a plant person.  So I can remove them now... or wait a few weeks when I have killed them all. 

Better to give them away now!

Must repaint the hideous baby blue paint that trims the windows, railing and porch flooring....

thinking of a dark charcoal or even a black.

Repaint porch swing... Harry wants to keep it.

New lighting. 

Here are the items in my cart... waiting for check out.

It's a toss up between the Adirondack Rocker...

Or a few old fashion Southern Rocking chairs?

I like the Adirondacks, but the Southern rockers are more indicative of a 1920's house.

And for the lighting... I am going with the trendy large hanging pendant lanterns..

The excitement is growing...

This was NOT my first choice of house, but I have started to accept life without Westover and begin planning life in our traditional / colonial home.



1 comment:

Laura said...

Congratulations! It's so charming. I'm sure you will have so much fun fixing it up.


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