Thursday, September 16, 2010

Road trip


We... Miss Peabody, Oliver the cat and I, are packed,  but not so ready for the 14+ hour ride to Florida.

It will Miss Peabody's first road trip and I am not sure if she is going to like it very much....?

For Oliver... the answer is an emphatic: NO.

As for me... these are the days when I miss ol' Harry.  The 6 or 7 trips to the car with all our luggage and necessities.  The wrangling of pets to situate them comfortably in the car.  And of course the numerous hours behind the wheel with only the cat and dog to talk to.

Although, I am sure I will make better timing without his never ceasing coffee/ then bathroom breaks... and I guess I really cannot complain about my own driving either.  

Not sure if i am looking forward to this road trip or not..?

We will see...
At least I can mark off a few states!



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