Monday, January 4, 2010

Matter-of-fact Mondays


In the blog world... there is this thing with choosing a day, giving it some quirky name, and simply write about simplistic facts, not in any sequence, or even in story form. 

Examples include:  Not Me Mondays.  Monday Mussings.  Tuesday's tales.  What's Up Wednesday's.  Thorough Thursdays.  Thursday's Thoughts. Finally Friday.  Forget about it Friday. Sum it up Saturday.  Sunday Paper.  (You get the point). 

But these gals use this day to keep posts light and airy with random tidbits of information of our daily / weeks life. 

So I have jumped on the band wagon.. in hopes of keeping everyone better informed and me up-to-date with postings.  So I thought long and hard trying to come up with some catchy phrase. 

But unfortunately, everything escapes me... and I decided on:

Matter-of-fact Mondays. 

And for a few reasons I choose this rather bland tag. 

According to Meriam-Webster....

Main Entry: mat·ter–of–fact

Pronunciation: \ˌma-tər-ə(v)-ˈfakt\

Function: adjective
Date: 1712

: adhering to the unembellished facts;

also : being plain, straightforward, or unemotional

So I think this is fitting.  Every other day I can embellish and add dramatic detail... except for matter-of-fact Monday.

I enjoy being plain and straigh forward. 

And on Mondays.... I am about as unemotional as you can get.

So for the premier of


1.  Pulled an all nighter this weekend with overdue school work (midterms & 4 weeks behind). 

2.  Harry's first job for the New Year was to deliver a CACO (Casualty Assistance Call) call to a sailor informing him of the death of his brother.

3.  Deliberating whether to go home this week or first of next week (Delta flights look a little full).

4.  Kayne's job here in Greece is in jeopardy of budget cuts (he may need to go back with us).

5.  Still house hunting online. 

6.  Have a buyer for my car here in Greece.

7.  Started online shopping for new car back home.

8.  Waiting on several Christmas packages to arrive... ordered them on Thanksgiving day.

9.  Watched Time Traveler's Wife and The Blind Side this week... both good, but sad.

10.  Just finished reading The Courilof Affair by Irene Nemirovsky.  Good book.

So there are 10 unembellished, plain, and straightforward facts taking place in the Hansen Household this week.

Matter-of-fact Blessings,

1 comment:

Tori Bella said...

Did you read The Time Traveler's Wife?


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