Friday, November 14, 2008

Cup of Joe


Anything left in her path becomes fair game. Oh, the tally of items lost by the mouth of Miss Peabody are great in numbers. If it is within her will soon become unrecognizable.

Harry is constantly on Kayne and I about leaving our things within the clutches of Peabody.
"Well if you would not leave it down, she would not chew it."
"She's just a puppy, how is she to know what's a toy and what's not."
"Maybe, if you did not leave things on the coffee table...she could not reach them."

Kayne items include....nearly a thousand socks (well seems that like that many), ball caps, thumb drive, computer cord, earphones, papers, base access i.d. cards, debit card, pens, pencils, and the list goes on and on.

My list includes almost the same items included in Kayne's list with the addition of....numerous pairs of flip flops (or at least one of the shoes, which render the other insignificant) hair ties, make-up, hair brush, my favorite bracelet, swimsuit, under pants, and again the list goes on and on.

So when Harry conveniently forgets to use his own advice....who was I to inform him of what Peabody had just done with something he left within her reach!

I know it was not the nicest thing for me to do, but some times you just get so tired of someone else always pointing out what you should or should not do.

Blessings to those with a good cup of Joe,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kristie--I soooooo understand what you mean. Logan gets into everything--when Logan gets into Kevin's things I let him because Kevin thinks I should baby proof everything!!!! I think Miss Peabody and I are kendred souls. I can't wait to meet her. I bought her two more bones! Do you think Logan and I would survive the plane trip to Greece?
--We love you all very much!
Danelle, Logan, Rylie & Logan


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