Sunday, June 28, 2009

Nice digs

Greetings from Italy,

With a little shopping under my belt, I set off for another day of training. I am a little tired from last night.... we had a social at the Admiral's house.... and let me tell you.... I am ready for Harry to promote.

Not sure if he will ever make a Four Star Admiral, which is like what... a O-10... I mean come on... how long do you have to stay in the Navy to make O-10? But after visiting with him and his wife in their lovely home at Villa Nike.... I am all for an extended stay in the Navy.

You should have seen their digs.... I mean a view to die for. A panoramic scenic view of the Naples coastline with Mount Vesuvius in the background.

And he has a staff. I do not mean a cleaning lady or groundskeeper, but a staff. A staff of like 10 people. And that was just the ones I saw. Along with multiple security guards dressed in full regalia standing post like centuries. My favorite were the cooks.... imagine having professional Italian cooks while living in Italy cooking for you daily.

Again.... I repeat... I am ready to rethink this whole stay in the Navy as long as you can thingy. My only request is that he hurries and promotes to the rank that comes with a staff.

Blessings to those in need of a staff,


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