Saturday, October 24, 2009



As we have set sail and are on our way. Everything is pretty much as the last post. We wake, eat breakfast, nap, stroll around the ship, eat lunch, nap, watch t.v. in the room, eat dinner, then call it a night. Eat and sleep… that pretty much sums up our vacation so far.

And I am NOT complaining. We are enjoying every minute of it.

The only problem… we chose the 8:45 p.m. seating for dinner and find ourselves starving before our time to dine, but we found the buffet for a quick little snack to hold us over. I have a feeling we may gain a few pounds on this vacation.

Our neighbor Todd has a saying… fat, dumb, and happy. And that pretty much describes us at the moment.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute pic


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