Thursday, January 1, 2009

Kasey & the Gang


I wanted to share a few pictures of my sister and her family. Kasey, Lucas, and Kadence (Madie). Karter Lawson has a few pictures, but as you can see I do not have them just yet.

Don't let her fool you.... she is adorable, but SPOILED. She looks so sweet especially in the pictures. Remember the tantrums from the mall!

She has been our families joy, our life, our entertainment for the past 4 years. At least once a day every day she is at my parents house. Of course we all dote on her... it's Madie. Years from now her therapist may call her egocentric. Well... it's just that ...the world truly does revolve around her. At least our world. The family is waiting with abated breath to see how she manages with a little baby brother to share the attention.

I have teased her endlessly.... much to my sisters rantings.... baby brother is going to take your attention once he arrives. "He is going to sleep in your momma's bed. He's going to play with your toys. He's going to go to your daycare with you." And sometimes.... just to get a rise out of her. "When he gets here... we are not going to be able to play with you as much. Your momma will not have time to take you to dance anymore." As she runs off somewhat in tears.. these comments get me dirty looks from my sister and my mom... and my grandmother too. Surely, she knows I'm playing? Surely, they know I am just kidding her?

But we have been watching her and anticipating her reaction to the newly delivered bundle. So far she has done remarkably well. I have seen her love on him, cuddle him, coo over him, or just simply want to hold his tiny hand. She will kiss the top of his head. She will caress his hair and whisper little sayings into his ear. She is the protective sister and occasionally his caretaker.

I have even heard her pray for him. But then... she prays for our new puppies too.

We were worried how her psyche would handle the transition. I guess we just did not know the depths of this little toddler. Her formative years have been within the confines of a Christian home.She has been raised in church her entire life. She knows how to pray at the alter. I have seen who do it many times. She will trot up to it, kneel down, cross her hands, close her eyes, and lay her head down on the carpeted steps and PRAY. Watching her I close my own eyes and pray, "Thank you, Jesus." Over and over. The pull on your heart strings puts you in tears ... every time.

"Above all keep your love for one another fervent,

because love covers a multitude of sins.

Show hospitality to one another without complaining."

1 Peter 4: 8, 9

I love the word fervent.... what an awesome word for constant. Love one another constantly, without ceasing. Love covers a multitude of sins. It speaks of the forbearance that comes with love: Christian love is patient and forgiving toward the offenses of a fellow Christian.

I hope I can retain a fraction of the childlike innocence Madie has. An unfettered faith in its simplest form. A love that has yet to be tarnished by hurts and disappointments this life sends hurling our way. The knowledge and hope in the altar of God. To know that's where things of this life are taken to be given to Him. To place myself at the altar, kneel before His presence, lift my hands in surrender, close my eyes, give Him my prayers, concerns, and praises, and then bask in His greatness.

I look at Madie and with all her silliness... she already, at 4 years old has a purer understanding then others far her senior ... of God. Her God is uncomplicated. He is God. Simply put. He is the encompassing, omnipresent creator. He is the "fixer" to a little 4 year-old's problems. He is who she turns to. He is who she seeks at the altar. When I see her in action... spoiled through and through, yet her faith is as unspoiled as life could ever offer. And most of the time I am envious of her innocence and childlike faith.

Do not get me wrong.... she is still a 4 year-old mischievous selfish little joker. And the other day when Karter Lawson started crying she covered her ears and yelled, "I can't take this anymore!" And I know how she felt. She may have a new prayer request next week.

Blessings to those who fervently seek Him,



Anonymous said...

First things first - stop teasing that little girl! =)

Okay, I've said my peace on that...

Isn't it amazing how much we can learn from children? We speak of childlike faith and are in awe of that. When do we lose that? We speak of childlike love. Why can't we offer that?

Life comes at us like an avalanche and pretty soon, we start putting up barriers for protection. Unfortunately, those barriers sometimes keep the good away too, don't they? Oh, to be childlike before our father - how I definitely long for and seek that.

Another thing that has always amazed me about children is their ability to get over things. One minute two kids will be fighting ferociously over toys, games, or whatever. Their will be tears and anger. But look out the window 5 minutes later and you will see those same two kids playing again as if nothing had ever happened - and to them, that's it - the fight's over and all is well again. For us as adults, we continue to hang on to the memory of the fight, the cause of the fight, the hurt of the fight - and allow that to fester and grow. WHY?!? We are all guilty of it, but why do we do that to ourselves?

I thank God every day for the joy we see in childlike innocence; and for the wisdom being a witness to that brings.

Thanks for your posts Kristie! Keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree with Matt, please stop teasing her. When we have to take her to therapy I will send you the bill.
Kadence is one of a kind. I can not tell you the times I have done or said something in front of her and she will tell me, "momma Jesus is watching you." WOW! I say this to her daily when she is acting up.
I should be ashamed of myself since the new baby has arrived. Most nights before his arrival Kadence and I would say our prayers. Like Kristie said, we would pray for everything from animals to family members that are not living. Ever since Karter Lawson has arrived our nightly schedule is... if he is sleeping we crash. The other night she reminded me that we had not said our prayers. So, I told her to go a head and say them....I watched as she folded her hands and began to thank God for the beautiful day and pray for her Granny Charlie(who passed away 2 years ago) and her Uncle Glenn(who also passed away this year). As she finished her prayer I thought to myself, why can't I pray like that. Most of the time instead of thanking him I am asking him to fulfill my needs or wants. We can truly learn a lot from children.


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