Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thirty Something

Birthday Greetings,

I have now entered the ranks of thirty something. I have been told that turning 30 is hard. But to turn 31 is extremely difficult. 31 is now firmly out of the 20's and on your way to 40.

I can say I feel no different than yesterday, or the day before. Actually, I am not sure I know or feelany different than when I was 21. Well I guess you could say I do not travel as well anymore. My body aches for 2 days after any flight over 8 hours. Harry on the other hand has a hard time getting older.... not sure why, but he does.

Maybe our lack of children contribute to our juvenile outlook on life. But Harry and I take life as it comes. We trust God to guide us. To direct our path. And lead us where he would have us go.

Blessings from a thirty something year old,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Be-lated Birthday! and welcome to the crowd of "old" folks


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