Sunday, November 29, 2009

Neighborhood mess


Remember the construction noise... I ranted about earlier this year titled Ttttt ttttt tttt?

Yeah, well the noise never ceased... as I think they are building an entire complex of houses!

The noise is unbearable at times.... but we have grown kindof accustomed to it.

My new problem....

what keeps me whirling over here next door...

The dust kicked up and into my house by this mess!

It's everywhere.  one would think only the top floor would take the brunt of the sandy intrusion, but oh no!  All three floors are covered in this fine mist.  Again... it's everywhere!

It's a "barely able to see" powder that seeps into every nook and cranny.  My dusty capabilities are not up to par... that is until now.

If we do not dust properly everyday... then we will have a really nasty mess.

The rain has started!  So if Harry or Miss Peabody (notice I am not blaming myself... I know how to wipe my shoes off before entering) come traipsing in with wet paws / shoes ... oh what a mess we have on our hands then!

A liquidy / the color of clay mess.  Urgh!

Is it me... or is everything bothering me and I am just ready to go home?



1 comment:

Heinz said...

We went past there the other day to find out what they are building. It's actually a hotel in the making. I'm sure they won't be finished before you leave :-(


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