Thursday, March 26, 2009

Proud of our Chapel


I would like to thank all of you who have continued to pray for us here in Souda Bay.

I also wanted to take a minute to introduce our Chapel community.

We are a diverse bunch of folks brought together in Souda Bay by our desire to gather and worship Christ. We come from all over the US, as well as South Africa, Greece, Cameroon, Africa, Canada, and many others.

We are from the Navy, Air Force, Fire Department, Computers Techies, the civialian world and many others.

Within the Navy we hail from the Chapel, Post Office, Security, Media, Seabees, Public Works, Library, Operations, Flight line, Port operations, Education department, PSD (Money People), Admin., Medical, Fire department, Supply, Fuelers, and MANY more.

We are Caucasian, African American, Latino, Hispanic, American Indian, Asian, and MANY more.

We are Baptist, Church of God, Lutheran, Assembly of God, non-denominational, Presbyterian, Methodist, Adventists, and many others.

And this week we have all came together for the needs of others. And I am so PROUD of our bunch.

Yesterday, we provided Public Works, the department who lost their friend and co-worker, with deserts. Our guys and gals produced quite a spread. And I did not eat a thing, not even a small slice (remember the whole Lent thingy), however, I did lick a brownie bowl before I even thought about it!

Friday, after the Memorial Service our amazing group is going to provide a Meal for the entire department. Last night at Chapel when I mentioned all the food we would need along with servers, and a set / break down crew.... well these guys did not even blink an eye. They were eager and willing to help.

And that my fellow blog readers... is why Harry and I love this group of hodge podge Chapel goers. This is how Harry and I have been blessed beyond measure with our experience here in Souda Bay. Because we may have different back grounds, different cultures, different denominations, and varying opinions.... but when it counts... when it is time to help someone in need...

That's when we are all .... well just Christian's serving others as Christ came to serve us.


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