Sunday, January 3, 2010

Battle of 300


Recently, Harry traveled to main land Greece for work.  However, that did not stop him from making a few side trips to visit his favorite spot.  Battle grounds.

This particular battle ground is Thermopylae... or better known as the Battle of 300.

Thermopylae was a pass that the Greeks tried unsuccessfully to defend in battle against the Persians led by Xerxes, in 480 B.C. Although the Spartans who led the defense were all killed, and may have known in advance that they would be, their courage provided inspiration to the Greeks, many of whom otherwise might have willingly medized, or so the Spartans feared. Although the Spartans lost at Thermopylae, the following year the Greeks did win battles they fought against the Persians.

After the battle field... came a Fort...

Harry's face lights up when he is immersed in historical places... men?


1 comment:

tootie said...

Cool pictures! How neat that he got to travel there.

P.S I like your blog's new look! Cute!


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