Thursday, January 21, 2010

House Hunting Leave Day 8


Still on house hunting leave.  Our flight is tomorrow morning.  Fort Walton Beach, FL to Atlanta, GA to JFK New York to Athens, Greece and finally to Chania, Greece.  Just over a 24 hour trip. Ughh. 

We need a few things... so I am off to make a supply run / shopping trip.  Harry does not say anything negative (he always does when it's shopping time)...  I think he feels guilty for being so mean spirited about Westover.     

Tonight we will spend time with the family, pack up, and mentally prepare ourselves for what comes next.... a move half-way across the world.  I am not sure if a days worth of shopping can alleviate all the stress.



1 comment:

Tori Bella said...

I'm so sorry you have to go through Atlanta!!!


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