Thursday, January 28, 2010

Finals Week


Harry is upset with me. 

He thought I was working on my homework.... when in fact

I was blogging about Cabbage Patch Dolls.

I will do anything to avoid the 10 page Point Paper on Neo-imperialism in my International Relations Theory class.... or the 10 page Research Paper on the adverse effects of socialist policies on a capitalistic economy in my The Presidency, Congress and The Bueraucracy class. 

Seriously?  Is there any question why my mind wanders aimlessly into a cabbage patch?

I will find anything to break the monotony of all things Political Science at this point! 

I keep reminding myself:

I will graduate in May.
I will graduate in May.
I will graduate in May.
I will graduate in May....

if I finish these papers by Sunday midnight Eastern time.   I have 80 hours and counting to read about 600 pages of material and write 16 more pages!

I will graduate in May.
I will graduate in May.
I will graduate in May?

(I hope)



1 comment:

Tori Bella said...

LOL I love it!

You WILL graduate in May. You can do it!


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