Saturday, April 24, 2010

Spoon full of Sugar


Where is Mary Poppins when you need her?

In ev'ry job that must be done

There is an element of fun

You find the fun and snap!

The job's a game

And ev'ry task you undertake

Becomes a piece of cake

A lark! A spree! It's very clear to see that

A Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

The medicine go down-wown

The medicine go down

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

In a most delightful way

Mary Poppins, I need you to drop by and snap my things into place.  The house is a little overwhelming today.


In a most delightful way,



Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I think at some point in time, we've all wished Mary Poppins would pop into our homes lol. Good luck!

Nolie said...

Stopping by from the Lady Bloggers Social Tea Party.

I don't know if I should hurt you now or later for having a spoonful of sugar now stuck in my head. You are mean. Not mean enough to keep me from coming back though. I am now a new subscriber.


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