Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Christmas gift....

For those of you who know us... I am the "not so very social and nice" one and Harry ....well he is the Saint. I have an opinion on just about everything....and almost assuredly an opposing one. Harry just kind of goes with the flow. I guess that's why God brought us together...we would have killed each other if we were both like me.

Family and friends will often say, "Poor Harry." And yes sometimes it is poor Harry. As you can see in the posts I am a bit hard on him occasionally.... but only comically. Right?

So I just had to pass this tid bit of information along.

Once I returned home to Greece.....

The journey itself was quite cumbersome...31 hours and 2 tries to get into the same airport. We tried to land on Crete, but the winds were too high so we returned to Athens....only to fly back 2 hours later. (still with high winds) Then a 2 1/2 hour drive home that was lengthened to 3 1/2 because the farmers are striking and have the road blocked off. So we had to detour through the mountains. Needless to say I was tired. Bone aching, head throbbing tired.

I arrive home....get mauled by the animals....drop my bags....and want to just take a bath. But I will need to wait an hour for the hot water tank to heat up.

As Harry is lugging my remaining suitcases from the car....he says, "Do you see how clean everything is? Look how clean it is." I look discover it actually is clean. "Check out the floors...and have you see your bathroom yet?"

And yes I did notice something awry or actually that nothing is awry...and now that I am looking over the house with an eagles eye....I see everything in it's place and shiny clean. The floors have a shine to them. The rugs have been vacuumed. The table is spotless. The Christmas tree is still up, but hey you cannot win them all.

"It's nice isn't it?" Harry asks as he continues showing me around the house. As we proceed up to the next floor....he points out, "and look in here" as he opens our laundry room. And that's when I know something is amiss. But I am not going to say anything negative because he and Kayne have obviously worked so very hard to make my homecoming a less stressful one.

When arriving my typical routine:

1. Love on animals

2. Take a bath

3. Unpack luggage

4. Start laundry

5. Begin a massive overhaul of our house.

6. Fuss at Harry about condition of house

7. Listen to Harry blame it on Kayne or Miss Peabody.

But this trip was different. I had an immaculately clean house. As Harry opens the bathroom door....he explains the tidiness, "It's your Christmas present."

"What? I ask.

"It's your Christmas present."

"My what?"

"We got you a maid for your Christmas," he exclaims with stars in his eyes.

"Okay?... for me uh? When did she start?"

"Just after you left," the stars no longer twinkling as brightly.

"Uh-huh, my Christmas present?"

"Yeah, she's Romanian." (Not sure what her nationality has to do with it?)

So I now have a maid....that is until Harry says now I am back we will only need her 1/2 the time.

So for all of our friends and family out there.... who think I give Harry a hard time. Please read this blog... and know that I bought Harry actual Christmas that he will use and wear. He alone.

Again, do not think I am being harsh on Harry. Well maybe a little. A maid will help out tremendously on the areas I can do nothing with. These Greek marble floors are a bear. Especially during the winter rainy months. But .... I have the sneaking suspicion this gift was not for me.

Blessings to those with a clean heart,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're complaing?


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