Sunday, February 22, 2009


Pronunciation: \ˈsvelt, ˈsfelt\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): svelt·er; svelt·est
Etymology:French, from Italian svelto, from past participle of svellere to pluck out, modification of Latin evellere, from e- + vellere to pluck

Date: circa 1817

1 a: slender, lithe b: having clean lines: sleek

2: urbane, suave
— svelte·ly adverb
— svelte·ness noun

This is my new favorite word and my mantra for the blog layout process.

East Coast layout received the most votes! So with the East Coast layout and svelte in mind .... I hope to have a blog makeover soon. Those hearts and clovers are driving me insane. Hopefully, I will have the new one before I add Easter bunnies or eggs to the sides.

I have no idea what gets into me.... it is so unlike me, but I sit down at the computer, browse through layout and just start changing things. I have lost a few things in the process (pictures and a few posts) and gained a few (but hopefully not bunnies and eggs).

I like things organized and with clean lines. I need to get back to my roots.

Blessings to those with a svelte·ly attitude,


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