Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Along the roadside


THis is my NUMBER 1 problem with Crete, Greece...

their treatment of animals.

Why would anyone toss this little bugger out? 

Why would you leave this little guy in the dumpster? 

Why would you do this to the entire litter?

Why ?


Today... Harry and I found this adorable skeleton of a puppy in the middle of a busy street.  And of course we stopped.  Of course we brought him home. 

He was starving...

2nd bowl of chow...

And he wanted more...


He even got some love from Miss Peabody. 

He's so little!  and cute.  I have no idea what we are going to do with him...

We have taken in 3 strays... but only have the ability to take 2 animals back stateside.

My fellow Cretans.... anyone looking for a stray?  Harry is taking him to the Vet for all his shots!



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