Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Gift exchange


Every time.. and I do not over exaggerate  e v e r y  t i m e    I go to the store, to purchase anything... Harry says, "Should we buy that... we are trying to buy a house."

To which I reply, "Harry, it's bread".

Which he still says we shouldn't buy because we are moving out of the house and into a hotel soon. 

I bought a pair of boots yesterday... "You should wait til we go home to buy shoes... there better in the State and maybe you should wait until after we buy the house".

Very conveniently... he does not say anything when the purchases involve new uniforms, boots, or coffee. 

So today when Harry asked me what I got him for Valentine's Day...

I told him I was saving for the house. 

When I asked him what he bought for me... he said a  house.

How sweet... we got each other the same thing!  And right now... I would love to open my new gift  (electricity has been out here again). 

At least I bought him a card... I am still waiting on mine?!?

Hope all you ladies have a blessed Valentine's Day.



1 comment:

Tori Bella said...

:) Happy Valentine's Day.


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