Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Last Meal


Tonight was the night Wednesday night service for several of our friends... I think Harry and I will be here for one more Wednesday night. 

We have made some life long friendships while our two-year stay here. 

Thanks Envantheia for all your hard work leading worship. 

And Matt for your continued service as the wizard behind the computer!

After Wednesday night service... we always eat a Pot-luck meal... it's a wonderful time of eating and fellowship... I will miss this, but not as much as Harry.

One of my favorite people in the entire world... Darrell. Thanks for taking pictures for me!

Here I am .... still trying to pack up Harry's office.

While uploading these pictures... I notice something we have left unpacked....

Harry's eye chart!  The must have eye chart.... I guess we will need to hand carry it.  For those of you unfamiliar with the eye chart... just know it is a keeper and probably older than Kayne.



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